Access Control

In public and private businesses and facilities, as well as in everyday life, there is a growing need for security to be secured and protected. An “Access Control System” is a valuable safeguard tool, as it automatically handles input and output streams to only authorized users (ranking them by authority levels, preset time slots, and / or number of passes) , to access certain areas or environments.

This is a type of system that allows people and / or vehicles to enter or leave certain areas or premises. With access control systems, you can manage access to an area based on:

  • the characteristics of the applicant for access (personal, visitor, vehicle)
  • to the date and time when the access request was made

With the automatic recording of all passages from the gate, the system provides an archive with username, date and time of access, giving the opportunity to those who are in charge of security control, to verify not only staff movements through defined passes of access, but also possibly burglary ttempts.
To limiot the accesses you can use: electric locks, bars, turnstiles, compasses, etc …

The potential users of these systems are: companies, sports centers, hotels, public places, hospitals, banks, stadiums, parking lots, etc. Access control allows authorized users to access places or environments by simply presenting their badge to a reader or by recognizing their fingerprints to a biometric reader.